ELOC – Empowering Conservation with Innovation
With the ELOC, we combine cutting-edge technology with a mission for wildlife preservation. ELOC (Elephant Locator) is a groundbreaking, solar-powered, bioacoustic monitoring device designed to capture and analyze sounds from wildlife habitats.
By identifying animals through sound, ELOC helps conservationists, park rangers, and local communities make informed decisions to protect endangered species and mitigate human-wildlife conflicts.
ELOC is specially designed to locate elephants by listening for their vocalizations. Sound recognition is running on a small microprocessor and continuously monitors the environment for elephant sounds. Whenever an ELOC detects an elephant call, it sends the location of that call to the ELOC app.

Open Source Software + Open Source Hardware + DIY Motivation
= Low Cost Open Source device
Good bye disposable batteries
Unlike the ELOC, most existing recorders use and dispose of more than 40 batteries per device every year! The ability to recharge batteries – especially through solar power – was an essential feature designed to eliminate the waste caused by disposable batteries.
The ELOC is still under development and not yet fully functional
– For now recordings are limited to the following sample rates: 8kHz, 16kHz and 32kHz (44kHz with a tweak)
– The model on the ELOC is not tuned well enough yet
The ELOC has been tested and further developed over thee last two years. More than 50 ELOCs and over 80 ELOCs 3.3 have been deployed mainly in Sumatra and Malaysia, but also Sri Lanka to collect training data.